
Vampire the masquerade museum
Vampire the masquerade museum

vampire the masquerade museum

  • The Malk response to finding out the blood bank freezer password from Phil (1969): "Just like the summer.".
  • Malkavian seducing a woman in the Asylum: " I'm not only fully functional, but programmed in multiple techniques.".
  • When a Malkavian frees Carson from Gimble's prison, they will say " Heeeeeeeeeerrrrreeee's JOHNNY!", which doubles as a reference to The Tonight Show.
  • Dominating the security guard in the blood bank leads to him saying that he feels asleep.
  • The Malkavian PC has an option of replying " I SEE DEAD PEOPLE" when asked by Beckett if they have encountered anything out-of-the-way.
  • One of the dialogue choices when asking Kilpatrick for reward money is "negotiable America currency" a shout out to D.B.
  • Malkavian to Arthur Kilpatrick, the bail bondsman: " Are you the key master?".
  • There's also a one armed man named "Gimble" who turns out to be a serial killer.
  • Perhaps more subtly, if you choose to save Heather Poe by giving her your blood, the cutscene goes through the exact motions of the scene in Interview with the Vampire where Lestat Embraces Claudia.
  • The file notes that " No one can succeed like Dr.
  • In the health clinic's computer, you find a listing of doctors, including a Dr.
  • The clock in the PC's apartment is a " Zaphod" brand clock.
  • In the Hell Hotel level, obviously an homage to The Shining, the ceiling has collapsed right in front of Room 217 (which was replaced in the film by Room 237).
  • You can find a Computer skill book in the Ground Zero cafe titled "The Cowboy's Guide to Cyberspace by Case" - a reference to Neuromancer's protagonist, "console cowboy" (hacker) Henry Dorsett Case.
  • The method to killing it even mirrors the Terminator's death, albeit with a sliding observatory door rather than a hydraulic press. Superhuman, nigh-unstoppable, and with its only goal being to kill you in the most violent way possible.
  • The Werewolf sequence practically tears half the pages out of the Terminator's book.
  • vampire the masquerade museum

    Later, during the same quest, Metalhead Industries use passwords based on Metal music, including "turbo lover" and "bang your head".

  • The password you're instructed to use by Mitnick to hack Megahertz Computing's net security is "gil bates", either a reference to previous Troika title Arcanum or directly to Bill Gates.
  • "antoniobay" on the Elizabeth Dane is another reference to John Carpenter's "The Fog".
  • In the medical clinic, the password for the "administration" folder is "lakers", and the one related to the morgue is "cowbell".

  • Vampire the masquerade museum